All Webinars

All Webinars

This section provides details of all previous webinars of CPX Asia 

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Church Planting and Multiplication Unreached Peoples

 PTR. Nozomu kawakami & Dr. Shoko Audrey Kawakami                    Date: 23-July-2024   

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Church Planting and Multiplication Other Religious Groups  

                     PTR. ANADHI KALYAN KUMAR                                                      Date: 28-May-2024   

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Church Planting and Multiplication Campuses & Cities  

 PTR. Kenneth Chin & REV. Dr. Seth Kim                    Date: 23-Apr-2024   

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Campuses & Cities                                                 Date: 26-Mar-2024


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Church Planting and Multiplication in Central Asia  Date: 26-Sep-2023


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A History of Nepal and the Growth of Koinonia Patan Church – Nepal   Date: 22-Aug-2023            

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Challenges Facing Evangelicals – Vietnam        Date: 27-Jun-2023   

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Church Planting In Mongolia In low-Population Nomadic Situations – Mongolia

 Stone Chuluunbat & Bolortuya Damdinjav                  Date: 25-Apr-2023            

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Church Planting in Pakistan: The Post Missionary Era – Pakistan

                    Rev. Naeem John   Date: 28-Mar-2023

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Church Planting in the Context of Iran – Iran    David Yeghnazar   Date: 28-Feb-2023

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The Gospel Engine – Thailand

Dwight Martin 
                    Date: 24-Jan-2023


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Church Planting & Multiplication Amongst Unreached Communities – Sri Lanka   

Lohan Bible & Duleep Fernando                                  Date: 22-Nov-2022              

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Being Fruitful In An Unfruitful Season: Two Different Approaches To Church Planting –                                   Indonesia

                      Pak Pablo & Irwan Widjaja                                                              Date: 27-Sep-2022


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Church-Planting & Multiplication Through Contextualization & Innovation – Japan

 Ken Taylor & Yoshiya Hari                                  Date: 23-Aug-2022            

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Missional Church -Korea

Rev. Jaehoon Lee & Rev. Inkyu Paek                                              Date: 26-Jul-2022

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The Power Of Happiness Groups -Taiwan

Xiru Yang & Chern Hock Chye                                                         Date: 28-Jun-2022

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Church On The Go –  Hong Kong                           

Rev. Seth S Kim & Jason Young                                Date: 24-May-2022

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Planting Churches That Catalyses “Shalom” In the City – India

                    Mark D.& Ranjit David                                                                       Date: 22-Feb-2022

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Church On The Go –  Hong Kong                           

Rev. Seth S Kim & Jason Young                                Date: 24-May-2022

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Unleashed: Building Healthy Leaders – Philippines

Rev. Peter Tan-Chi                                                                            Date: 22-Mar-2022

Chinese Webinars

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Church Planting and Multiplication Unreached Peoples

 PTR. Nozomu kawakami & Dr. Shoko Audrey Kawakami                    Date: 23-July-2024   

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教会建立和倍增 其他宗教团体

 PTR. ANADHI KALYAN KUMAR                                                      Date: 28-May-2024   

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 教会建立与倍增 – 校园与城市 2024 年 4 月 26 日      

 PTR. Kenneth Chin & REV. Dr. Seth Kim                    Date: 23-Apr-2024   

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CPX校园和城市植堂                                                      Date: 26-Mar-2024

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中亚的教会建立和倍增 Church Planting in Central Asia                                                                                                   Date: 26-Sep-2023

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越南的教会倍增 Church Planting and Multiplication in Vietnam CN  Date: 27-Jun-2023   

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蒙古游牧社区的植堂策略 Church Planting in Mongolia

 Stone Chuluunbat & Bolortuya Damdinjav                  Date: 25-Apr-2023            

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伊朗的教会倍增 以拦事工 – Iran

David Yeghnazar 

                    Date: 28-Feb-2023

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福音的引擎-泰国教会倍增浪潮 – Thailand

Dwight Martin 
                    Date: 24-Jan-2023